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  • Registrant : 厚木市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/12
  • Published : 2023/09/12
  • Changed :2023/09/12
  • Total View : 603 persons
2023/10/7 - 2023/12/3 / 厚木市 / Other

Moths You Never Knew ~ Diverse Lives of Diverse Species ~

This exhibition will display about 300 species of moths from the museum's collection of 34,000 moth specimens, including not only those living in Atsugi, but also those distributed in friendly cities in Japan.

Approximately 1,400 species of moths are known in Atsugi City, an important biome that accounts for about 20% of the city's plant and animal species. Most species are nocturnal, attracting to lights and other objects, but species that fly during the day can also be found. There are also species whose adults occur only seasonally, such as in spring and winter, and species that inhabit restricted environments, such as riverbeds and high mountains. Looking at the feeding habits of adults, their life histories are diverse, with some species feeding not only on pollen but also on sap and fruit juices, while others are fasting feeders.

This exhibition displays about 300 moth species from the museum's collection of 34,000 moth specimens, including not only those living in Atsugi but also those distributed in friendly cities in Japan.

Venue Atsugi Local Museum ( 1366 Shimokawairi, Atsugi City - 4 )
Address 厚木市
Date 2023/10/7 - 2023/12/3
Time 9:00 minute(s) - 17:00 minute(s)
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